The Grreat Outdoors

Ghetto Gardening 2015

"No two gardens are the same. No two days are the same in one garden." – Hugh Johnson




The image above started with taking a screenshot of the overhead view of our house and yard on Google Earth. Then I modified it in Photoshop to clean up the image somewhat (removing shadows cast by trees, clarifying the shape of our house, paved area and fence). Next I added text to indicate where plants are in the ground, and drew circles to represent the pots. A guide to the letters on each can be seen by clicking on the image to view a full-size version.

I just completed this graphic a few days ago, and it's already been helpful as a reminder for keeping track of what's been watered recently and for thinking about which crowded areas could be re-arranged.

Clicking on the small images below will bring up a full-size version.

RipeBerriesManaged to photograph
a few before nomming them.


BugleLiliesBugle lilies are everywhere.


StakingPlentiful dry bamboo canes
become tomato stakes.



I've been enjoying the ripe blackberries that grow in front of our bedroom window. There are so few this year that I'm eating most as soon as they're picked instead of trying to collect enough for making a dessert.

The summer bulbs are doing well; it's a nice surprise to notice bugle lilies or gladiolus growing tall and then blooming where I'd forgotten having planted them last year.

My tomato patch has become a tangled jungle. I'm in the process of separating out the plants, giving some pots away to friends, and staking/caging the rest. The fruit is still small, but it looks like I have primarily the Roma variety and five or so of the San Francisco Fog plants.


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